Title: Vascular Adaptation and Mechanical Homeostasis Across Scales
J.D. Humphrey, Ph.D.
Regents Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Texas A&M University, College Station
Blood vessels exhibit a remarkable ability to adapt throughout life, one that depends upon
genetic programming and well orchestrated biochemical processes. Findings over the past
four decades demonstrate, however, that the mechanical environment experienced by
these vessels similarly plays a critical role in governing their adaptive responses. For
example, arteries respond to altered blood flow, blood pressure, and axial extension,
disease processes such as cerebral aneurysms and vasospasm, and even diverse clinical
treatments so as to maintain constant a preferred (homeostatic) mechanical state. Indeed,
experiments on isolated microvessels, cell-seeded collagen gels, and adherent cells
isolated in culture suggest that vascular cells and sub-cellular structures such as stress
fibers and focal adhesions likewise seek to maintain constant a preferred mechanical
state. Although much is known about mechanical homeostasis in the vasculature, there
remains a pressing need for an integrative mathematical theory that describes and
eventually can predict vascular adaptations in response to diverse stimuli. The goal of this
presentation is to review the available data on vascular mechanical homeostasis and to
discuss a new (constrained mixture theory) approach for modeling.