Title: Toward High-Performance Cortically-Controlled Prostheses
Our seemingly effortless ability to reach out and swat a fly or
grab a cup belies the sophisticated neural computations at work in
our nervous system. It has long been recognized that, before moving,
we somehow prepare neural activity such that, when called upon,
the desired movement unfolds. But the goals of movement preparation
and the underlying neural mechanisms remain poorly understood. I
will describe some of our recent electrophysiological investigations
of how premotor cortex prepares movements. With this increased
understanding of movement planning, it becomes possible to design
real-time implantable electronic systems capable of translating neural
plans into prosthetic-arm or computer-cursor movements. I will
describe our recent electrophysiological investigations aimed at
establishing the fundamental, neurobiologically dictated performance
limits as well as recent algorithmic and circuit research aimed at
achieving these performance limits. Our results suggest that swift
and accurate performance is possible, which is essential for starting
to assess the clinical viability of cortically-controlled prosthetic